A poem by Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), translated by Ana Elsner
R i l k e - is considered to be one of the greatest 20th century German-language poets. He was strongly influenced by the philosophers Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. His unique literary style, his use of symbolism and his veiled portrayal of moods and states-of-mind position Rainer Maria Rilke as a transitional figure between the traditional and the modernist poets.
Buddha in der Glorie
MITTE aller Mitten, Kern der Kerne,
Mandel, die sich einschließt und versüßt, -
dieses Alles bis an alle Sterne
ist dein Fruchtfleisch: Sei gegrüßt.
Sieh, du fühlst, wie nichts mehr an dir hängt;
im Unendlichen ist deine Schale,
und dort steht der starke Saft und drängt.
Und von außen hilft ihm ein Gestrahle,
denn ganz oben werden deine Sonnen
voll und glühend umgedreht.
Doch in dir ist schon begonnen,
was die Sonnen übersteht.
Aus: Der Neuen Gedichte Anderer Teil
Buddha in Glory
CENTER of all centers, nucleus of nuclei,
almond, that cocoons itself and sweetens, -
all this, up to all the stars,
is your fruited flesh: Be greeted.
See, you feel, how no more clings to you;
in infinity resides your vessel,
and there stands the potent nectar and is burgeoning.
And from the outside is promoted by a radiance,
for, in the highest, are your suns
fully and ardently turned about.
Certain in you is well begun,
that which surpasses (other) suns.
From: The New Poems' Other Part
Translation © Ana Elsner
TWO POEMS by Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) Transcribed from the original German text by Ana Elsner
H ö l d e r l i n - was a famous German lyric poet who is widely recognized from his own time up until the present. His multi-facetted work was influenced by ancient Greek culture as well as by the French Revolution of 1789. It spans the Classical and Romantic schools in German literature. Hoelderlin is perhaps best known for "Andenken" ("Remembrance"), one of his greatest poems.
Here are two samples of his poetic voice.
D i e H e i m a t h : : : H o m e
Froh kehrt der Schiffer heim an den stillen Strom Von fernen Inseln, wo er geerndtet hat; Wohl möcht' auch ich zur Heimath wieder; Aber was hab' ich, wie Laid, geerndtet? Ihr holden Ufer, die ihr mich auferzogt, Stillt ihr der Liebe Laiden? ach! gebt ihr mir, Ihr Wälder meiner Kindheit, wann ich Komme, die Ruhe noch Einmal wieder?
With Gladness the Boatman turns homeward to the River's Calm From Distant Isles, his Harvest done. Would that I, too, were homeward bound, Yet what have I but Sorrow reaped ? You blessed Banks, who gave me Succor, Will you assuage Love's Sorrow ? Oh, on my Return to you, You Woods of my spent Youth, will you restore to me Serenity once more ? .
Translation © Ana Elsner
Ü b e r z e u g u n g : : : C O N V I C T I O N
Als wie der Tag die Menschen hell umscheinet Und mit dem Lichte, das den Höhn entspringet, Die dämmernden Erscheinungen vereinet, Ist Wissen, welches tief der Geistigkeit gelinget.
Just as the Day bathes Man in Brightness And with the Light, which springs from High above, makes whole the dawning Apparitions, is Knowledge, which is accomplished deep within the Thinking Mind . .
Translation © Ana Elsner
Poésie Sans Frontières
: A Selection of Poems by Ana Elsner, chosen for publication by the editors of various national and international literary magazines and poetry anthologies :
- Incubation - in Poetry Salzburg Review, editor Dr. Wolfgang Görtschacher, Austria;
- Pound Cake - in Rattlesnake Review, editor Kathy Keith, USA;
- Entranced and Find Me in Arkhai, editor Ákos Dobay, Switzerland;
- Flirting - in CAVEAT LECTOR, editors Christopher Bernard and Ho Lin, USA;
- Forgetting Eyes - in PRIVATE, editor Oriano Sportelli, Italy;
- Three Haiku - in The Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, editors Hotchkiss, Love, Rogoff, Mitchell, USA;
- Der Gerechte Weg - in Der Dreischneuß, editor Regine Mönkemeier, Germany;
- Confession - in Sparring With Beatnik Ghosts, editor Bob Booker, USA;
- Canon in Words - in Contemporary & Literary Horizon, editor Daniel Dragomirescu, Romania;
- Sobs For Annie Parks - in CONCLAVE, editor Valya Dudycz Lupescu, USA.
and others
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A poem by Ana Elsner
Elsner - is a contemporary bi-lingual author and poet. Her poems have appeared in various literary journals and anthologies in the U.S. and abroad. Her most recent book "Ciphers Of Uncommon Origin - Poems By Ana Elsner, Volume I" was published by InstaPLANET Press in 2007.
In addition to writing her own poems and essays, she is engaged in translating works by German-language poets into English. Ana Elsner's translations are characteristically far more precise than many others you may find.
fast -:- almost
schon -:- already
sanft -:- tenderly
eingeschläfert -:- put to sleep
von den wiegenden Wogen -:- by the cradling currents
der Tiefe -:- of the deep
und doch -:- and yet
wieder -:- again
hervorgebracht, -:- brought forth,
im Regenbogen -:- in the rainbow
geborgen, -:- saved,
ans Licht -:- to the light
des Lebens -:- of life
wieder -:- again
zu atmen -:- to breathe
dessen -:- its
Kostbarkeit -:- preciousness
© Ana Elsner
Polyglot Poet Ana Elsner on stage at the Randall
Here is a documentary film clip of Ana Elsner performing live at the Randall Theatre in March of 2009. Elsner, who is well known for her passionate poetry and global perspective, reads from her book "Ciphers of Uncommon Origin" and from her new manuscript "Resurrected Omissions". ::
Click here to watch the film clip of Ana Elsner's performance